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  • g++ is already installed in Kubuntu
  • Check version using g++ -v
  • If not installed, run sudo apt install g++
  • VS Code
    • Install C++ Language support extension
    • Install Code Runner extension
    • Open CommandPallette Ctrl + Shift + P or View CommandPalette
    • Type C/C++ Edit Configuration UI
    • CompilerPath /usr/bin/gcc
    • IntelliSenseMode gcc-x64
    • RightClick RunCode
    • Write Access to terminal
      • Open CommandPallette Ctrl + Shift + P or View CommandPalette
      • SelectDefaultShell bash
      • File Preferences Settings Users Extensions RunCodeConfiguration Enable RunInTerminal


  • Install MinGW
  • Select mingw32-gcc-g++ and MarkForInstallation
  • TopLeftMenu Installation Apply Changes
  • Set Environment Variables
    • ControlPanel System AdvancedSystemSettings EnvironmentVariables SystemVariables Path New C:\MinGW\bin
  • VS Code
    • Install C++ language support extension
    • Install Code Runner extenstion
    • Open CommandPallette Ctrl + Shift + P or View CommandPalette
    • Type C/C++ Edit Configuration UI
    • CompilerPath C:/MinGW/bin/g++.exe
    • IntelliSenseMode gcc-x64
    • RightClick in any cpp file RunCode
    • Write Access to terminal
      • Open CommandPallette Ctrl + Shift + P or View CommandPalette
      • SelectDefaultShell cmd
      • File Preferences Settings Users Extensions RunCodeConfiguration Enable RunInTerminal
