Vue 3
- Codevolution Vue 3
- Vue 3 official docs
- FrontendMasters Courses
- Intro to Vue
- Building Applications with Vue & Nuxt
- Production Grade Vue
- Vuex for Intermediate Vue.js Developers
NOTE: FrontendMasters provides access to course partially even without a paid account. Most of the courses host the course code and slides publicly on GitHub.
TIP: Course code and slide links are visible in FrontendMasters Mobile app
- Vue CLI
- Vite (development server)
- Routing
- Vue Router
- UI Components
- Vuetify
- Naive UI
- State management
- Vuex
- Forms
- Vuelidate
- Vee Validate
- Composition utilities (hooks)
- VueUse
- Learn Vue Youtube
- Vue Community Guide (Learning & Ecosystem)
- Awesome Vue (Colleciton of Vue resources)
- MadeWithVue (Vue Project showcase & inspriation)
Developer tools
- VS Code extensions
- Vetur
- Vue VS Code Snippets
- Additional
- Vue extension pack
- Tabnine (auto complete)
- Volar
- Vue DX
- Chrome extensions
- Vue dev tools (beta for Vue 3)
Install Node: Guide
CDN (Plain HTML)
# install vue cli
npm i -g @vue/cli
vue create hello-world
cd hello-world
npm run serve- (Optional) Vite dev server with vue cli project (faster development) Article
npm init @vitejs/app
cd vue-learning
npm i
npm run dev
NOTE: This is combined notes for Codevolution Youtube tutorials and Vue official docs. This is only meant to serve as reference. For complete understanding follow those materials. Vue has excellent documentation.
- Flow
- Data binding
- Directives
- Event handling
- Computed
- Watchers
- Components
- Props
- Prop types
- Non prop attributes
- Provide/Inject
- Component events
- v-model with Components
- Component styles
- Dynamic Components
- KeepAlive
- Props
- Slots
- Form Handling
- v-model
- Text Input
- Number Input
- Select
- Multi Select
- Radio
- Checkbox
- Date
- Form Array
- Dynamic Form Array
- Nested Group
- Array of Groups
- API Populate
- Vuelidate Validations
- Teleport
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Template Refs
- Mixins
- Composition
- Data
- Ref
- Reactive
- Methods
- Computed
- Watchers
- with ref
- with reactive
- Provide/Inject
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Template Refs
- Props
- Component Events
- Reusable Logic/Composable/Hooks
- Data
- Vue Router
- Vuex