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Vue 3



NOTE: FrontendMasters provides access to course partially even without a paid account. Most of the courses host the course code and slides publicly on GitHub.

TIP: Course code and slide links are visible in FrontendMasters Mobile app




Developer tools

  • VS Code extensions
    • Vetur
    • Vue VS Code Snippets
    • Additional
      • Vue extension pack
      • Tabnine (auto complete)
      • Volar
      • Vue DX
  • Chrome extensions
    • Vue dev tools (beta for Vue 3)


  • Install Node: Guide

  • CDN (Plain HTML)

    • Vue can be used without npm or webpack in plain html with a script tag similar to jQuery
    • Article
    • Repo
  • Vue CLI

      # install vue cli
    npm i -g @vue/cli
    vue create hello-world
    cd hello-world
    npm run serve
    • (Optional) Vite dev server with vue cli project (faster development) Article
  • Vite

      npm init @vitejs/app
    cd vue-learning
    npm i
    npm run dev



NOTE: This is combined notes for Codevolution Youtube tutorials and Vue official docs. This is only meant to serve as reference. For complete understanding follow those materials. Vue has excellent documentation.