watch: {
volume(newValue, oldValue){
if(newValue > oldValue && newValue === 16){
alert('Listening to high volume may damage your hearing')
immediate - execute on page load
return {
movie: 'Ironman'
watch: {
movie: {
handler(newValue, oldValue){
console.log('Calling API')
immediate: true
deep - watch nested properites of object and arrays
NOTE: immutable functions like array.concat return a new array, hence deep=true is not required movieList = movieList.concat(['Hull'])
return {
movieInfo: {
title: '',
actor: ''
movieList: ['Ironman', 'Spiderman']
watch: {
movieInfo: {
handler(newValue, oldValue){
console.log('Calling API')
deep: true
Computed vs Watcher
- Computed
- compose new data from existing sources
- reduce length of variable deeply nested inside an object
- Watchers
- check if property has changed to a value to perform some action
- call API in response to change in application data
- apply transitions