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  • dotNET Core SDK

Visual Studio Code Setup

  • C#
  • Debugger for Unity
  • Unity Code Snippets
  • Unity Snippets
  • Unity Tools



  • Tinting editor

    • Edit Preferences Color PlayModeTint
  • Maximize window

    • HoverOverAWindow Shift Space
  • Align with view

    • use scene view to align camera
    • select camera
    • GameObject AlignWithView
  • Locking Layers

    • Create Layer
    • Asssign objects to that layer
    • Lock layer for player selection
  • Coordinates

    • The colored arrows represent the positive direction of each axis, with the grey arrow opposite representing the negative direction
  • Naming Convention

    • All variables start with a lowercase letter. Ex: horizontalSpeed
    • non-public member variables. Ex: m_Movement;
    • m_ part of the non-public member variables comes from them being 'member' variables
  • Physics Calculation Time

    • Edit ProjectSettings Time FixedTimeStamp 0.01
  • Focus

    • Press F to focus on selected GameObject
    • DoubleTap F to lock onto the object (Shift F)
  • Delay to a function

    • Invoke(string_function_name, delay)
  • transform.RotateAround()

    • use this to add spinner animations
  • While editing a value using mouse in Inspector

    • use AltClick for precise increments
  • Avoid using GameObject.Find or FindWithTag

    • Use public variables and assing (drag) in UnityEditor
    • Example: Declare UI Text as public variables and drag them in UnityEditor Inspector
    • Example: Declare a GameManagerLogic Script as public variable and drag it in Inspector
    • Drag mechanism does NOT work with prefabs!!
  • VisualStudio Auto Statement

    • DoubleTap TAB key to autofill syntax
  • Snap to grid

    • CtrlClick Move
    • Edit SnapSettings
  • ColorPicker

    • While colorpicker is active click on an object in SceneView to copy color
    • Also works when hovering over color outside UnityEditor
  • Lock inspector for currently viewing object

    • lock symbol at top right
  • Click ? marks in Editor to directly open Documentation

  • ExpandAll/ CollapseAll

    • AltClick
  • Debug mode

    • view private variables in unity editor
    • Inspector DebugMode
  • Range

    [Range(.1f, 2f)]
    public float jump_height = 1f
    • results in a slider in UnityInspector
  • Save changes done in play mode

    • SelectComponent Inspector RightClick CopyValues
    • ExitPlayMode PasteValues
  • Headers and Spaces

    public Vector3 position;


    public float weight;
    • Creates in UnityEditor
  • Region

    #region Variables
    public float health;
    public float weight;
    • Seperate secions of code as collapsible regions
  • Tooltip

    [Tooltip("Player health")]
    public float health;
    • Shows tooltips in UnityEditor
  • HideInInspector

    public float example;
    • Hides in UnityEditor
  • SerializeField

    private int health = 20;
    • Shows variable in UnityEditor


  • Anima 2D



  • Surface Material
  • ProjectSettings Create Material PhysicsMaterial
  • Change Friction
  • ProjectSettings Create PhysicsMaterial



  • Add ColliderComponent
  • OnCollisionEnter(Collision)
    • Access collided gameobject with coll.gameObject
  • OnCollisionExit


  • Use for triggering events

  • Physical collision is not simulated

  • Objects will pass through each other

  • OnTriggerEnter(Collision)

    • Act on trigger event
  • OnTriggerEvent(Collider)

    • Access to the other collider object

    • Act on trigger event accordingly

    • Example:

      // PlayerCollision.cs
      private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider) {

      // Coins
      if(collider.tag == "Coin"){

      // LevelCompleteTrigger
      if(collider.tag == "LevelCompleteTrigger"){
    • OnTriggerStay(Collider)

  • TIP: DeActivate a game object using gameObject.SetActive(false);

  • Example

    • A Box Collider Trigger which runs EndGame Script when player enters the box
  • TIP: Disable Meshrenderer to make invisible triggers

  • TIP: Use Icon on top left of Inspector to view invisible objects as icons



  • Window Lights



  • Create UI Element

  • Canvas Object is necessary for UI to work

  • Create Text in UI

  • Enter 2D mode in SceneView

  • Select Text and focus it in SceneView

  • HorizontalOverflow Overflow

  • Scale UI with screensize

    • Select Canvas
    • UI ScaleMode ScaleWithScreen SizeHeight
  • Download Fonts

    • GoogleFonts
    • SelectFont
    • Download as zip file
    • Unzip
    • drag into Unity
    • Make a folder Fonts
  • Dynamic Text

    • Add Script to Text Object

      using UnityEngine.UI
      public Text distanceText;
      public Transform playerTransformComponent;
      void Update()
      distanceText.text = playerTransformComponent.position.z.ToString();
  • TIP: Canvas PixelPerfect

  • Panel

  • Create UI Panel

  • SourceImage None

  • Set Color

  • Create UI Text

  • TIP: AltClick to resize from center

  • Button

  • SourceImage None

  • AddComponent Shadow

  • X 0 Y -2

  • To add functionality AddScript to UI Panel

  • Add Panel to Button OnClick Field

  • Select Function from The Script

  • NOTE: Order of panels matters in Canvas

  • TODO: use of static methods in UI Elements??



  • Create Empty object and use it to manage game logic



  • Select GameObject
  • In Inspector window
  • Use Tag dropdown to assign tags


  • OnTriggerEnter
    • collider.gameObject.CompareTag(string)
  • OnCollisionEnter
    • collision.collider.tag == string


Scene Management

Build Index

  • File Build Settings

  • Use for StartMenu Levels and EndCredits

  • RestartLevel

  • DontDestroyOnLoad() function which will maintain an object reference across scene changes

  • NextLevel

    SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1);
  • NOTE: If there's no next level in build index editor will throw error

  • Build a Credits (End) Level with Quit button

Player Input

  • Axes

  • Press

    • GetKeyDown detects when a key has just been pressed
    • GetKeyUp detects when a key has just been released
  • Press and Hold

    • GetKey detects a keypress that is then held
    if (Input.GetButtonDown("Crouch"))
    crouch = true;
    else if (Input.GetButtonUp("Crouch"))
    crouch = false;
  • Edit ProjectSettings Input




  • Drag from Hierarchy to Project to create a prefab
  • Open PrefabMode my clicking right arrow in Heirarchy or DoubleClick prefab in ProjectTab
  • Any changes to prefab will apply to instances in scene
  • Any changes to a particular instance of prefab
    • will be highlighted in Inspector Overrides field
    • ApplyAll or RevertAll to changes
    • or Apply Revert Induvidual changes Nested Prefabs
  • Open prefab A in Hierarchy
  • Drag existing prefab B into Heirarchy to make it a child of opened prefab A Prefab Variants
  • RightClick a prefab in Project tab
  • Create PrefabVariant
  • Example:
    • SwordPrefab
    • Variants: IceSword, FireSword
    • Changes to SwordPrefab will affect other variants
  • in Unity, models work like read-only Prefabs. They’re blueprints for creating instances of that model, but the blueprint itself cannot be changed.


Pause Menu

  • Use Time.timescale

    public void TogglePauseMenu(){
    // if the game is currently paused and user presses resume/esc
    Time.timeScale = 1;
    isPaused = false;
    Time.timeScale = 0;
    isPaused = true;
  • TIP: Use Time.timescale for time manipulations (slow mo)