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Udemy BTP Course

Creating Player


  • Make rough prototypes
  • Fix on a design
  • Fix light source on a layer to make lights and shadows consitent consistent for all other drawings
  • Use layers to separately draw different parts
    • Use layers to add paint to each part
    • Merge outline and painted layer of each part
  • Make a new image of all parts by copy pasting the parts from the layers
  • Disable background layer for transparent background
  • Export as PNG


  • Drag PNG into Unity
  • SpriteMode Multiple
  • FilterMode Point(NoFilter)
  • SpriteEditor
  • Draw Boxes to separate parts
  • TIP: Use AlphaMode (Right of Apply button) for better view
  • Set pivots (points where resizing and rotation are applied)
  • Apply

Rigging the Player

  • Drag each part into scene view
  • Arrange according to original image
  • Set OrderInLayer
  • Create EmptyObject Player
  • Drag all parts as children into Player Object
  • Parent each part in hierarchy (Ex: Head as parent to eyes) to use same pivot


  • Window Animation Animation
  • Select Player in Hierarchy
  • NOTE: DO NOT make changes to Player Object
  • AnimationWindow CreateAnimation
  • Use RecordMode
  • Select a keyframe at 1:00
  • Make Changes to parts
  • TIP: Use ShiftClick to select multiple keyframes at that time point
  • TIP: Use TopMost point to select all keyframes at that time point
  • TIP: Use Space while mouse in timeline pane to Pause/Play
  • TIP: Select multiple keyframes and drag to increase decrease speed of animation
  • TIP: To Make Loop effect select all keyframes in first time point and paste it as a new last time point
  • TIP: Properties show the variating keyframes in respective row
  • TIP: Add Multiple overlapping subtle changes to make animation more interesting
  • Run Animation
    • Move left leg up at 0:00 in timeline
    • At 0:10 move left leg down and right leg up
    • copy paste keyframes from first at end 0:20
    • To Avoid both legs being in the air at same time
      • Copy paste Right leg keyframes from 0:00 to 0:07
      • Copy paste Left leg keyframes from 0:10 to 0:17
      • Which makes one leg grounded before lifting other leg
    • Move the body down at 0:05, Up at 0:10, Down at 0:15

Player Movement

Animation Controller

  • Window Animation Animator

  • Parameters IsRunning

  • TIP: Use Bool Parameters for looping animations. Use Triggers ans HasExitTime for one time animations

  • Select Idle AddTransition to Run

  • Conditions IsRunning True

  • HasExitTime Disable

  • TIP: TransitionDuration 0.1. Using 0 makes animation suddenly snap from one to another.

  • Repeat for Run to Idle Transition

  • Changing IsRunning through code

    if(moveInput !={
    animator.SetBool("IsRunning", true);
    animator.SetBool("IsRunning", false);



  • Draw different parts of weapon on different layers
  • TIP: Glow effects can be added in Unity by adding Halo Component to sprite
  • NOTE: ParticleSystem Shape Circle Set Rotation to 0 0 0
  • TIP: EffectOverLifetime have predefined graphs to use below the graph editor


  • Create Base Enemy class

  • While creating specific enemy class import from Enemy class instead of MonoBehaviour

    public class MeleeEnemy : Enemy{


Drawing Tips

  • Draw on paper, Scan and use it as background layer
  • TIP: Use ClippingMasks to draw only on the layer